Thursday, October 3, 2013

Kata yang hanya memiliki satu makna (reading 1) dictionary

dibawah ini beberapa contoh tentang kosa kata dan cara baca dari kamus oxford.
 1.      Electrician/i’lek’triʃn/ n[C]person
whose job is to fit and repair
 electrical equipment
2.      Indigestion /,mdi’dʒstʃə/ n [U]
(pain from) difficulty in digesting
      Recycle /,ri;saikl/ v [T] treat sth
already used so that it can be used
4.      Thirsty/ ‘θ3;sti/adj (-ier, iest)
feeling or causing thirst : we were
hungry and   ̴   ►thirstly / -ily/ adv
5.      Eldest / ‘eldist/ adj, n [C](of three or
More people) oldest (person)
6.      Regent / ri:dʒənt/ n [C]person who
rules instead of  king or queen who
is too young ,ill, etc
7.      Strawberry /’strə:bəri/ n [C] (pl-ies)
(plant with) small juicy red fruit with
Tiny seeds on its surface
8.      Trudge /trᴧdʒ/ v [i,T] walk slowly or
with difficulty •trudge n[C, usu
sing] long tiring walk
9.      Menial/ ‘mi:niəll/ adj (disapprov) (of
work) not skilled or importantand
often boring
10.  Locker/’lɒkə(r)/ n [C] small
cupboard that can be locked. used
for storing clothes, luggage, etc

kata yang lebih dari satu makna

1.    Perfect /’pri:fect/ n[C] 1(in some
British schools) older pupil who has
authority over younger pupils 2 (in
France) chief  administrative officer
of an area
2.    Menace/’menəs/ n 1[C, usu sing]
person or thing that will probably
cause serious harm or danger 2 [U]
atmosphere that makes you feel
threatened 3 [C, usu sing] (infrml)
annoying  person or thing •menace
v [T] threaten sth /sb ►menacingly
3.      Riddle / ‘ridl /   n  [C]  1 difficut or amusing question  2  mysterieus event or situation that you cannot explain ridddle v [T] ̴ with (usu passive) make a lot of  holes in sb / sth : a body  ̴  d with bullets
4.      Lark /  lɑ:k/ n [C] 1 small brown songbird  2 [usu using] (infml) thing that you do for fun or a joke
5.      Hangover / ‘hæŋəvυər(r) n [C] 1 unpleasant feeling after dringking to much alcohol on the previous night 2 something left from an earlier time
6.      Gem /dʒem/  n [C] 1 jewel 2 person, place or thing that esp good
7.      Embrace /im’breis /v 1 [I,T] (written) take sb into your arms as a sign of affection 2 [T] (fml) accept an  idea religion willingy 3[T] (fml )include sth ►embrace n[C,U]
8.      Submit /səb’mit/ v (-tt-)  ̴ (to) 1 [T]  give a document,  proposal, etc to sb in authority so they can study or consider  it 2[i] accept the power of sb/sth over you
9.      Valuation /’vælju’erʃn/ n  1 [U] professional judgement about how much money sth is worth 2 [C] estimated value that has been decided on
10.  Indiscreet/,indi’skri:t/adj not carefull about what you say and do ►indiscreetly adv indiscretion / ,indi’skreʃn/ n1[U] indiscreet  2 [C] indiscreet remark or act
11.   Bake / beik / v 1 [I, T] cook in an oven. 2 [I, T] (cause to) become hard by heating. 3 [I] (infml) become very hot: it’s baking today! Baker n (C) person whose job is to bake and sell bread, etc. bakery n [c] (pl-ies) place where bread is baked (and sold). ‘baking-powder n [v] powder used for making cakes, etc rise and become light

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